Dickinson College students and faculty attended COP 15 in Copenhagen, 16 in Cancun, 17 in Durban, and 20 in Lima, and are attending COP 21 in Paris. Our delegations to the Copenhagen, Durban and Lima conferences were participants in Dickinson's Global Climate Change Mosaic Program, an immersive, interdisciplinary program of study and research in which students explored climate change science, consequences, justice, solutions and international and transnational governance. Students in the Mosaic programs conducted research on climate change governance that featured first-hand interviews with conference delegates at the COPs. You can read about their research and activities at past COPs on Dickinson's COP Blogs.
Dickinson COP Blogs
Dickinson COP20 Blog: http://blogs.dickinson.edu/cop20/
Dickinson COP17 Blog: http://blogs.dickinson.edu/cop17durban/
Dickinson COP17 Interview Database: http://blogs.dickinson.edu/cop17/
Dickinson COP15 Blog: http://blogs.dickinson.edu/copenhagen/category/unfccc-cop15/
Dickinson COP20 Delegation
Dickinson COP17 Delegation